Project DSX is set to be the most advanced economy bot for Discord ever.
The idea of an economy bot that accurately models the fluctuation of a financial asset's value based on supply and demand has existed for a while, and has already been realised by highly advanced Discord bots such as Bcoins. DSX will be very similar in nature to existing bots such as Bcoins, but with a few extra features, such as the eventual inclusion of user-operated businesses to the bot's stock exchange, as well as the possibility of share values of real-world businesses running on a hybrid algorithm recieving input from both user interaction and real-world data from Google Trends.
Project DSX is a Python program being developed by SamAMatthews. It stores data using a JSON filesystem, and the algorithm used to calculate share value is v=a/t, where v represents the value of the share, a represents the number of shares available to purchase, and t represents the total number of shares in existence.
What is the point in DSX? Didn't you just say that there are other bots like it?
The idea for Project DSX originally came from peer and fellow developer, KyoMiyake. The two of us originally planned on creating the project with some other peers, neither of whom knew- and to this day still don't know- anything about programming. Because of this, paired with an admittedly poor group attitude, our group never finished the project beyond making a useless bot that did little more than demonstrate the user experience. A few months later, I realised the potential of the bot and began making it from scratch on my own. A few weeks after figuring out most of the algorithm's issues, I discovered that there were other bots that already did very similar things, but considering the importance of competition to a healthy economy, as well as the fact that DSX would do other, more advanced things these bots didn't, was enough to convince me to keep going.
TL;DR, DSX exists because competition is good and it has unique features.
What kind of name is "DSX"? There have got to be a million and one better names than that.
A temporary one.
Until I can think of a better name, I intend to stick with DSX (short for Discord Stock Exchange, I know, very inventive). On the note of names, however, you might be interested to know that the (intended) name for the bot while we were "developing" it as a group was "Memestocks", so just keep that in mind when you're dissing DSX for it's crappy name.
I won't lie. There are (and were) a lot of issues with DSX.
For one, hosting- I write, upload, and run the code entirely on my laptop. No home PC, no server, not even a semi-reliable old laptop are at my disposal for running the code and filesystem that makes DSX tick.
Second issue- The code can't account for the "hanging penny problem". By this, I mean the well-known financial issue of the rounding of values resulting in the loss of money. If you haven't heard of this issue before, watch the film "Office Space". They mention it there. If you have, however, and you know a solution that I could use for DSX, please let me know!