
Programming Overview

Having been programming in text-based languages since 2020 (because no, Scratch and Hopscotch do not count), I am a relatively experienced Python programmer. I have worked with Python intensively for various, albeit mostly very trivial, programs. As a result of my frequent use of the language, I also have some rudimentary experience with the module, which I have used to create a few very basic Discord bots in the past. I also have some basic experience with C#, although I haven't used it in years, and the skills that I did have in the language were rudimentary at best.

Musical Overview

In terms of my musical abilities, I am confident in both piano and guitar. I have spent almost my whole life playing music in some way, from being carried along music workshops as a mere infant, to being crowned the new lead guitarist of my school's Jazz Band early one Friday morning in late 2022. My first instrument was piano, and I played that from when I was only 4 or 5, all the way up until 2022, when my 14-year-old self, suddenly thrown headfirst into the deep end of the world of the beginner guitarist. started to realise the increasingly all-consuming importance of the 6-string to me. I started playing the guitar when I was 6 or 7, with a Kmart guitar that would've been left-handed if they only had the right-handed models in stock (thank goodness for that, I'm so glad I don't play a lefty), and gradually progressed to a beautiful, HSS Fender Stratocaster, which has rapidly become my prized possession, and a huge catalyst of growthm both as a person and a musician. I also take lessons in classical guitar- I have done since 2016- and, while in no way a genre I am passionate in any way about, it provides me with theory and technical influence that I wouldn't otherwise have. That's the way of the musical world, I suppose. I could go on about my musical life for ages, but I think this is enough for now.

In fact, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to talk about my musical pathway a bit more...

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